At the end of the course students must prove that they know the principles and dynamics that regulate the agricultural and food sector at a global level. Students must know the main international organizations involved in agriculture and food and the main actions they have taken.
Knowledge and understanding
Students are expected to be familiar with the main policy options available to manage food security and food safety issues globally. They must also acquire a good critical and analytical capacity to compare different food policy instruments. Finally, students are expected to know and use the concepts of sustainability in food production and consumption in an original way.
Applying knowledge and understanding
To enhance the research skills to pursue research in International Policy for the Agricultural and Food Sector; Ability to access the main databases on the agricultural and food sector: data on production, consumption, trade and self-sufficiency will have to be collected and handled to compare the results of different countries by retrieving information from different sources; to develop the ability to think critically and creatively and to argue coherently;
Further expected learning outcomes:
Making judgements: Student will acquire the ability to apply critical and autonomous judgments to the topics studied and discussed during the course.
Communication skills: Students are stimulated to improve their communication and explanatory skills, acquiring the technical language of the discipline and expressing it clearly, in order to transmit the acquired contents appropriately and be able to follow and support a conversation with experts.
Learning skills: Students will be able to continue their studies independently, with a high level of autonomy and responsibility, on the themes of Food and Agricultural issues at a global level.
1. Introduction to agri-food systems, agricultural and food policy;
2. Agriculture and development models;
3. Food security policies;
4. Policies on food safety;
5. Policies of rural development;
6. Sustainable food production and consumption
7. The influence of the Common Agricultural Policy;
8. International trade of food products;
9. Agricultural Policy and use of resources;
10. Features and functions of International Organizations for agriculture and food.
Recommended textbooks:
Timothy, J. (2017). Handbook of International Food And Agricultural Policies (In 3 Volumes). World Scientific.
Paarlberg, R. (2013). Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know®. Oxford University Press.
Main Websites:
• International Institute for Sustainable Development (
• International Food Policy Research Institute (
• International Fund for Agricultural Development (
• World Trade Organization (
• European Union (
• Organization for Economic development and cooperation(
• World Bank (
• FAO (
• World Health Organization (
Learning results to be verified
Students must be able to analyze and understand the main issues of the international food and agricultural policy. The expected results will be verified through oral examination.
Assessment method
Oral examination